Sacco Management.

Saccos are an amazing source of alternative funding for individuals and businesses in pursuit of various interests.

They offer loans and savings products and services that create immense opportunities to members in the short, medium and long terms.....

Hospital Management

Modern medical technologies have improved so much that human beings are able to live way beyond the proverbial 100years!

Medical discoveries, pharmaceuticals, non pharmaceuticals and technology have come together to enhance quality of life...

Schools Management

Learning institutions are a challenging organizational skills platforms due to the many different operations that work together to solve a common set of needs.

Students as young as 3 years, all the way to adults, get together in the same environment to acquire knowledge. Simple but complex.....

Bulk SMS (Online/Offline)

In this fast business working environment, we still need to pass urgent information to a large number of people.

Sending an SMS is the most convenient and cheapest mode of communication. Online and offline bulk sms is like left and right hands....


Software is run on a computer. The scale of operations would determine the power of computers necessary to support the business.

There are lots of options available in the computing world..


Electronic documents are transformed into a hard copy form using a printer.

Old fashion way is writing on a piece of paper, but the digital way is using a printer.

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