The #1, Schools Management

Over the last 10 years, we have developed the best, all round, ADVANCED School Management software that serves to solve a wide range of challenges.

Complex and tricky school situations require either a very sober mind or a good school management software.

Every school serves to apply education art to improve quality of human life.

Features and Benefits

User friendly interface

Throughout the entire system, all the windows and menus are self explanatory.

This makes learning much easier and mistakes in data entry as few as possible because the user can quickly be able to identify and know exactly what they want to do.


At a glance, you'll be able to view the current status of your school, from number of students in the facility, attendance, fees records etc

Tight Security

Data security is of paramount importance. We apply a combination of digital privacy measures to prevent unauthorized access to your private business data.

Unlimited Departments

  • School operations can be broken down to independent income generating departments and have a thorough analysis of performance of each department independently or combined.

A keen eye on day to day operations eventually save lots of costs later on.

Unlimited Users

Supports unlimited number of users and devices across all your local and wide area networks.

Unlimited Classes

Unlimited class rooms.

Unlimited Students

Unlimited number of students.

Work Flow

a) Registration

  • First we register a new student and record their biological and physical information.
  • Then Add parents/Guardian Information.

b) Fees Invoicing

  • On class registration, the system generates the fees required.

c) Receiving Payments

  • Involves posting all payments being received in payment of all fees and other voteheads.
  • Mobile payments can be automated so that the amounts paid are posted automatically

d) Fee Statements

Electronic record of all debits and credits for each student

e) Making Payments

The following are the categories of payments done.

  • Cash banking. Money transfer from cash to bank accounts.
  • Supplier payments for goods and serives delivered on credit
  • Day to day expenses.

f) Class Management

  • Involves recording the number, status and type of students available
  • Tracking of movement of students in and out of the classes
  • Daily recurring of behaviour of the students

g) Comprehensive and Detailed Back Office Accounts

    Generate Customer Statements detailing the invoices and amounts received.
  • Generate Supplier Statements detailing all the collections made from customers and amounts payable.
  • Debtors Analysis
  • Daily Summary detailing all the receipts and payments plus cash balances
  • Debtors analysis displaying ageing summary or simple totals can be generated
  • Creditors analysis displaying ageing summary or simple totals can be generated
  • Incomes analysis detailing all the sources of income
  • Expenses analysis detailing all expenditure descriptions
  • Profit and loss statements
  • Trial Balance
  • Cash Flow statements
  • Balance Sheet

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