The #1, Artificial Intelligence infused, trained, tested, approved and satisfying Customized Software Solutions for Your Business Challenges!

Every day businesses are faced with challenges that range from simple operations to a complex problems arising from operations, admnistration, analytics and customer satisfaction.

Incase your close competition decides to use technology and artificial intelligence to automate lots of solutions to these problematic areas, then they gain a serious competitive advantage.

Why choose customized software?

We always experiece a high number of customers who come to us seeking for new customized software solutions.

The most common problems cited include:-

  • Manual processes and paperwork affecting efficiency. This decreases revenue or hinders growth of revenue. Employees begin to struggle with too much manual work or take too much time to enter data into spreadsheets, resulting in waste of time and error.
  • Endless common and repetitive issues that need to be solved often such as invoicing, stock tracking, debtors reconciliations etc.
  • Crucial data is entered in a big spreadsheet and analyzed manually. Businesses are said to spend about 80% of the time gathering, observing scritinizing and reporting data, according to a study. As data grows, business anaytics become difficult to perform.
  • Need to meet compliance standards. Some industries are subject to government regulations, and the compliance details are usually very precise. Compliance can be more difficult to achieve if your business doesn't have the means to capture the necessary information.
  • You have processes that should be simple .. but are not. When a single action relies on multiple steps to complete, it`s hard to operate your business efficiently. How much time and effort does your staff put into these seemingly simple tasks? How could this be done better?

We can confidently say that customized software improves productivity, decreases costs, increases efficiencies and streamlines operations..

Artificial intelligence combined with the customized software ignites the nuclear energy that your company requires to soar to levels you have never reached before or imagined was possible!

Customized software comes make things easy because of the power of automation. If most of the problematic areas get automated, then a smoother flow of business operations results, which eventually leads to a much more happy customer.

A happy customer is a loyal customer.

Software Development Cycle

    Requirements {        A general description of the problem,
		 the negative impact of the problem and the suggested solution.

    Analysis {        A deeper analysis of the problem, 
		the negative impacts of the problem and 
		various other options available to solve the problem.

    Design {       A basic skeleton design resemblance of the agreed upon solution

    Coding {       A detailed step-by-step proceess to get to the desired solution

    Testing {       A thorough process of testing the coded solution to be sure
			it captures the problem and effectively produces the desired output

    Artificial Intelligence { During the testing process, we go the extra step to train the 
				Artificial Intelligence component to identify 
				sequences of similiar or identical problems that can be 
				combined into a wholistic solution that the system can then act upon 
				and give an alert for further action.

    Deployment {       Executing the coded solution on a realtime, real life environment.

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